'The Umbrella Academy' Season 3 Star Jordan Claire Robbins Calls This 'Her Favorite Version of Grace

May 2024 · 3 minute read


'The Umbrella Academy' Season 3 features a new version of Grace, and actor Jordan Claire Robbins says this is her favorite version of the character.

Published on May 19, 2022

2 min read

The Umbrella Academy Season 3 returns to Netflix on June 22, 2022, but the cast and crew remain tight-lipped about the plot. Netflix released a full-length trailer for the upcoming season, giving fans a few breadcrumbs to pore over. Jordan Claire Robbins, who plays Grace, the children’s robot-like mother, recently offered up some insight on the new season.

Fans saw two different versions of Grace in ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Seasons 1 and 2

When we first met Grace in The Umbrella Academy Season 1, she appeared approximately the same age as her “children.” As the season continued, we learned that the siblings’ adoptive father, Reginald Hargreeves, actually created Grace himself, and she’s not human at all. She served as a caretaker for the children as they grew up, but her looks always remained the same. She died in the collapse of the Hargreeves’ mansion at the end of the season.

In The Umbrella Academy Season 2, the Hargreeves spread out over several years in the 1960s. When Diego spots a woman who looks exactly like his mom, he calls out her name, but the woman doesn’t recognize him. The audiences then learn that the robotic woman who raised the members of The Umbrella Academy was based on a real woman in the sixties who Reginald dated. 

Jordan Claire Robbins said her appearance in ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Season 3 is her ‘favorite version of Grace’

The way The Umbrella Academy deals with time travel eliminates the possibility of a character dying off the show. After all, Five and his siblings could just travel to another time in hopes to find that person alive. However, what capacity Grace serves in The Umbrella Academy Season 3 remains unclear. 

In a recent interview with Movie Web, Robbins said, “All the seasons are quite different because of the time travel and all the other elements in the world that make it quite limitless. But season three, I think is going to be my personal favorite so far, with this new family as you see from the previews and where Season 2 ended up.”

The Bermudian actor continued, “Definitely, tensions will arise from there. That’s for sure… without giving too much away… I had so much fun this year. I would have to say this is my favorite version of Grace that I’ve had the gift of being able to play… But this season is completely out of left field, totally different, and I think fans are going to enjoy it. I had a blast.”

Will Grace serve as a mother to The Sparrow Academy in ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Season 3?

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly where the plot for The Umbrella Academy Season 3 will take fans. We do know that the Hargreeves face off against another set of siblings known as The Sparrow Academy. When the group traveled back in time after the battle with The Handler in The Umbrella Academy Season 2, they landed in an alternate timeline. In this timeline, their previously dead brother Ben )Justin H. Min, serves as the head of The Sparrow Academy. This begs the question of whether or not the alternate timeline also features a different version of Grace.

Thankfully, we only have a few more weeks to wait before getting the answers to our questions. Stay tuned to Showbiz Cheat Sheet for all your Umbrella Academy news.
