May 2024 · 4 minute read

Jennifer Hawkins, a cheerleading mentor at Oklahoma’s Westmoore Secondary School, was captured on Walk 8, 2023, on accuses of s*xual unfortunate behavior of a previous understudy over a range of five years.

Trigger admonition: This article contains notices of s*xual wrongdoing of a minor. Tact is encouraged.

Hawkins worked parttime at the Moore Government funded School Locale. She was thusly terminated from her occupation as the allegations against her having a s*xual relationship with her girl’s ex were raised.

The person in question, who has since moved on from Westmoore Secondary School, let agents know that he had been r*ped various times.

The understudy sent a letter to Southern Oklahoma City’s Moore State funded School Region on January 27, 2023. In the letter, he itemized the allegations against Hawkins. According to the sworn statement, the supposed casualty is as of now conceded to a therapy clinic in California from where he sent the letter.

As expressed in the letter, the s*xual connection between the person in question and Hawkins started in September 2017, when he was 16, and finished in October 2022. Hawkins conceded that their relationship started when the supposed casualty was residing in her home with her family for a couple of years.

Police said the casualty enlightened specialists concerning meeting Jennifer Hawkins, presently 45, through her girl. He was involved with Hawkins’ girl in 2017, and it was then that Hawkins purportedly started moving toward him for a s*xual relationship.

The person in question, who is presently 21, guaranteed that Hawkins had nonconsensual intercourse with him various times at her Oklahoma home. As expressed in the oath, all the s*xual acts among him and Hawkins occurred at her home. He said that it occurred during the lunch break pretty much consistently during his lesser and sophomore years.

At first, Hawkins denied being in a s*xual relationship with her little girl’s ex. In any case, after the previous understudy sent the letter to the specialists, and they read it out to Hawkins, she at last owned up to the occasions.

She later owned up to committing an error and began crying. The previous cheerleading mentor conceded to keeping a s*xual relationship with the underage previous understudy.

At the point when asked how frequently she participated in intercourse with the person in question, Hawkins over and over answered that she did not know and showed that it happened various times.

The person in question, in any case, had the option to limit it down to a number, as per the testimony. He let specialists know that he and Hawkins had enjoyed the demonstration well more than 300 times in the range of a long time from 2017 to 2022.

The casualty claimed that Jennifer Hawkins contacted his confidential region while watching a soccer match at her home.

“Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.”

Jennifer Hawkins, who teaches dance to kindergarteners through eighth graders at Birney School in Southfield, Michigan, taught a group of students the “Thriller”

— Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) February 27, 2023

The casualty likewise divided text discussions among him and Hawkins with the police. He asserted that Hawkins used to blow up with him assuming he at any point took a gander at different ladies on the web. In the texts, the casualty supposedly let the previous mentor know that he needed her in his life, however he didn’t need a close connection with her.

An assertion was given by the school region expressing that Jennifer Hawkins was terminated from her situation at Moore State funded Schools when they were made mindful of the circumstance. The assertion added:

“The wellbeing and security of MPS understudies and workers is our chief concern. MPS school authorities will keep on helping policing their examination of this.”
Jennifer Hawkins’ capture depended on charges of s*xual battery and second-degree r*pe. She is right now arrested in the Cleveland District Prison.
