CM Punk is Great | WrestleZone Forums

May 2024 ยท 4 minute read
I can't stand it when people exaggerate far too much to make their point. If CM Punk's style doesn't fit your taste then that's all well and good. But to say he does "two moves?" That just makes you sound like someone who doesn't actually watch the matches in question and instead you just follow the crowd. I'm not accusing anyone of that. I'm just saying that's the impression that you give off.

I see a guy like CM Punk which people call boring and then I'm just left scratching my head wondering what is so interesting about Jeff Hardy. After all of these years Jeff still seems incredibly timid on the mic. When he's not timid he's quickly yelling because he doesn't want to screw up. Compared to that, Punk has a very casual but confident style on the mic. He very clearly gets his point across. You may not agree with it but it's very easy to come away from a CM Punk promo with simple understanding.

Punk always does his knee strikes... when does Jeff ever not do his corner dropkick or whisper in the wind that is rarely aimed well enough to hit an opponent? I mean, you could make this argument about almost anyone in the WWE main event. Cena, Hunter, Batista... even guys who are beloved like Edge... you can't be a big name in the WWE without having a few go to moves that are incorporated into every match.

I'd also like to call Hustleje12's bluff about another comment. There are 10 other guys in the WWE that are better role models than Punk? Okay. Please name them and give some specific reasons for why you think they're better people to look up to than Punk. I don't like putting people on the spot but I'm fascinated to hear this since you decided to use it as a point of contension for why you don't like Punk.

Finally, who cares if Punk's personality and image don't match up? Are you really that much of a follower without any free thought that you dislike things simply for not following a preconceived order of things? One of the great things about Punk is that he challenges conventional wisdom. He doesn't have rippling abs because he's never touched a drug in his life. He doesn't train to have the body of a Greek God. He trains for his style of wrestling. He's fast and lean but he have power where he needs it. And yes, the guy has a lip ring and tattoos all over his body. To an older person he'd look like a simple thug. But in real life he lives clean and healthy. He might not be the best role model in the world but I'd say he's a pretty good one. In an industry that's always under a watchful eye for drug use he's a GREAT one.

I truly believe that a lot of people are confusing someone not being interesting to them not being able to connect with someone. It's easy to like guys such as Batista or Cena who look great. You can wish you looked like them. Or it's easy to enjoy Jeff Hardy because while he might not have the body he does have an individual look that's in jive with what kids today like. The thing with Punk is that he's not the cool ideal. He doesn't flow with what kids typically think is cool. He's never cared and never apologized for that. Punk is Punk. He's unlike anything you've seen before. That's what makes him so interesting. WWE fans can compare John Cena to Hulk Hogan or they can compare Jeff Hardy to Shawn Michaels. They compare Triple H to Ric Flair. But CM Punk? You can't compare CM Punk to anyone but CM Punk. He's the first of his kind. And that?

THAT'S cool.
