Former Dunkin' employee says don't waste your money on this drink

May 2024 · 3 minute read

America “runs on Dunkin'” and devoted fans of the brand will be the first to remind coffee and donut consumers of that statement.

However, even the brand’s biggest fans might not know the secrets that can save shoppers money at Dunkin’ Donuts locations nationwide.

Louise is a college student who reportedly worked at Dunkin’ Donuts until she left in early 2020 (she claims to have been fired).

In a response to a TikTok prompt about employee secrets, the ex-associate talked about her experience with the company.

“First off, the signature lattes are a scam,” Louise said.

She explained her grudge against the drinks, which often include limited-edition flavors and toppings.

“They’re charging you an extra $0.89 or some bulls**t to add whipped cream and little sprinkles,” she explained.

If you want all the flavor but not the cost, Louise said, you can ask for a normal latte with whipped cream and sprinkles, leaving off the word “signature.”

Testing this claim in the Dunkin’ Donuts app showed some validity.

Ordering a Large Caramel Craze Signature Latte on the Dunkin’ app shows a retail price of $5.74.

Ordering a Large Hot Latte, add caramel swirl and whipped cream, shows a price of $5.58 – a $0.16 difference.

That accounts for a $0.30 charge for the whipped cream, but the app doesn’t allow users to add sprinkles. Shoppers would need to request it from the barista directly.

Louise also said that while the Signature Latte isn’t a good deal, it’s common to find a bargain at Dunkin’ if you visit right before closing time.

“We’d throw out donuts every single night,” she revealed. “I don’t know why.”

And if you’re going to order food, know what you’re getting into if you ask for it toasted.

“There’s a little filter in the toaster that they taught me how to clean one time since we were getting inspected,” Louise said.

“I don’t think anyone has cleaned it since then.”

Finally, Louise said that her specific Dunkin’ location didn’t follow a sustainability protocol that some stores follow to the letter.

“My Dunkin’ was a ‘green’ Dunkin’, but we threw everything out in the same trash anyway. We all lied,” Louise stated.

“Sorry. We didn’t recycle.”

Her statement appeared to be in reference to the DD Green Certification, an initiative by the company to increase sustainability practices.

Though recycling is one part of the sustainability mission as detailed on the Dunkin’ website, it’s not clear what metrics “green” stores are subject to.

And in the comments of Louise’s TikTok, a different person suggested that her store was an anomaly, and recycling is standard procedure for all Dunkin’ locations.

“We do recycle cardboard though,” said a commenter who reportedly works at Dunkin’ today.

The Sun reached out to Dunkin’ for comment on Louise’s claims, and more information about DD Green standards. The Sun had not received a response at the time of publication.

This story originally appeared on The Sun and has been reproduced here with permission.
