Possible Location for Future WrestleMania Event

May 2024 · 1 minute read

WrestleMania could be returning to Florida again.

Dave Meltzer reported in the latest issue of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter that Orlando is making a play once again to host WrestleMania for WrestleMania 39 in 2023 or WrestleMania 41 in 2025.

“Orange County, Florida’s tourist development sports incentive committee has requested a $1 million increase in resort taxes in the city (fees added to sales of hotels, motels or other short-term sales that go to Visit Orlando, the area’s tourism and marketing agency) to use to bring back WrestleMania in either 2023 or 2025,” Dave wrote in The Observer.

We will keep you updated if we receive any other information on the upcoming WrestleMania locations.
