First ever wild albino chimpanzee spotted in Uganda shortly before it was brutally killed (photos)

May 2024 · 2 minute read

The first known wild chimpanzee with albinism has been spotted in Uganda, but was brutally killed by its fellow pack just days after the sighting.

Mail Online reported that researches at the University of Zurich in Switzerland walked into a horrific scene on July 19, 2018, when they heard the screaming and cries of the mother and her 19-day-old infant that was being chased by others in their community.  

Just after 7:30am, the team saw an alpha male trek out of a nearby thicket while holding just an arm of the baby albino, according to the findings, which have only just been published.

 First ever wild albino chimpanzee spotted in Uganda shortly before it was brutally killed (photos)

A number of other chimps came rushing in, which began biting the fingers, leg, and ears of the screaming infant that was eventually taken by an adult female who then killed the baby albino.

The scientists were able to recover the body three hours after the infant’s death, allowing them to assess injuries made by its fellow pack.

‘Substantial injuries were present in several body parts including the absence of the left hand and forearm, the index and middle fingers on the right hand, and the right ear,’ Maël Leroux, lead study author, and colleagues wrote in the study published in the American Journal of Primatology.

‘In addition, several deep cuts were visible on the head and the skull was cracked on the right side.

‘The right hemisphere of the brain was damaged. The cause of death was established to be due to a head injury caused by a bite given by an adult female chimpanzee.’ 
