Hogan v Austin-Who was the bigger star?

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read
As other have alluded to, the answer to this question is not so simple.

Firstly, I have to state that Hulk Hogan is the very reason I started watching Wrestling 1990. The Main Event of 'Mania 6 was shown here in Australia on free TV shortly after it happened.

As a side note, live Wrestling PPV's were not available in Australia until 1996, so VHS tapes and magazine's were a fans' only option here besides the odd TV broadcast.

Even though the 'Mania 6 scrap between "The Ultimate 'Roider" and the "Hulkster" was regarded as a legit classic by fans at the time, the match hasn't aged well.

Still, for nostalgic reasons and the strength of the characters' personas, the match is a guilty pleasure of mine!

From that moment on, I was a legit 'Hulkamaniac' and was hooked on Pro Wrestling, a strong passion of mine that continues to this very day. Growing up, I had the action figures, Hulkamania VHS tapes, stuffed toys and T-shirts...The guy, in the eyes of a child at the time, was a full-on real life action hero! Simply put, he exuded a feel good aura that was unmatched.

There is no doubt, Hogan was and is a household name that everyone over the age of say fifteen, the world over knows. They may not be able to rattle off matches, angles and opponents...But everyone knows Hulk Hogan is that "Wrestler guy" at the very least.

The combination of Hogan's undeniable magnetic charisma and Vince McMahon's then creative prowess proved to be box office gold and Wrestling, specifically the WWF exploded to levels once thought unfathomable to the Promoter's of old.

Wrestling was everywhere and you couldn't escape it, with the mighty 'Hulkster' at the forefront. Setting box office records, PPV buyrate records and of course merchandising records, Hogan signified the then new era of Professional Wrestling.

He was so popular, he crossed over into the mainstream on a level that no Wrestler previously had.

In 1996, his once unthinkable heel turn and subsequent formation of the New World Order in WCW reinvigorated Hogan and a whole host of fresh match-ups and scenarios for Hogan breathed new life into the ageing veteran and ignited a fire once again in Wrestling. WCW Nitro, circa 1997, was literally the most watched program on all of cable TV in the States.

A heel Hogan, backed up by the hip, cool combo of Kevin Nash & Scott Hall along with the 'Bisch hitting his creative stride helped WCW topple the WWF and for the first time in his life, Vince McMahon was a distant number two.

WWE, 'Vinnie Mac' and Kevin Dunn have long claimed that WCW's explosion was due to Ted Turner's open checkbook and Vince's stars...

That's partially true...But Eric Bischoff truly revolutionized the business along with a refreshed Hogan. Once the nWo was in full swing, and fans' heads were turned, the overall then strong Dubya-See-Dubya product left the WWF standing in a cloud of dust!

As far as Hogan goes, In his prime he was every bit the drawcard and Superstar his reputation suggests he was.

Onto the Austin side of the equation here:

'Stone Cold' Steve Austin was an absolute phenomenon. Benefiting greatly from the departure of many of the old faces in the WWF, he made the absolute most out of every opportunity he was awarded.

Austin always presented a strong work ethic, especially during his early days in WCW and the WWF pre-neck injury, Austin would hit those ropes like a rocket! Always a very talented performer between the ropes, It wasn't until the combination of Vince McMahon and Vince Russo molded Austin into a legit Superstar.

Austin himself admits, he didn't hit his stride promo wise until 1998, But when he did, Russo provided him with blockbuster material! McMahon at the time, afforded Vinnie Ru more power in the WWF in terms of Creative than any other person in history not named McMahon.

Russo provided Austin with dynamite promos and angles and single handedly penned the Austin/McMahon saga, arguably the biggest and most profitable angle in the history of the business which turned the tables against the superstar heavy WCW in the ratings war and led the WWF to even greater heights than anyone thought possible.

Austin sold more shirts, more PPV's and more tickets than Hogan ever did in the WWF. In 1999, Austin banked more cash from Pro Wrestling in a single year than any other Wrestler in history, earning an astonishing US$15 Million that year.

It wasn't just Austin who turned the tide against WCW, as Russo developed an intriguing under card that had purpose. Talent's like HHH, Rock, The Outlaws and Foley etc all played their part...However Austin was the guy blowing the roof off every Monday with the loudest pops in Wrestling history.

I see someone above me posted that without the McMahon feud, Austin wouldn't have been half the star he became, There is some merit in that statement but Austin was connecting with the WWF fan base long before the Vinnie Mac feud began.

In my opinion, the Bret Hart double-cross and HBK's back injury at the Rumble in '98 were integral ingredients in Austin's megapush...If Hart and Michael's had stuck around, McMahon's attention would certainly have been divided amongst them and Hart/Michaels would have demanded their star still shine brightly, perhaps deservedly so...

But those two departures at the top of the card, needed filling and Austin was savvy enough to work with Russo/McMahon and make this thing work.

Plus, post "Owendriver", Austin altered his ring style and provided an intense, kick/punch brawling style that just worked so well with his character.

To a generation, the spirit of a bloodshot eyed, finger flipping, beer swilling anti-authoritarian named 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin will live forever!

At the end of the day....The numbers don't lie....'Stone Cold' Steve Austin was the bigger draw and star.
On a personal note, perhaps no other Wrestler provided so many memorable moments and promos than 'Stone Cold'.

Once again, go back and check out those crowd pops! Just goes to show, with the right talent and the right help from Creative...just what is possible.
