Who Owns Faze Clan? Faze Clan Company History

May 2024 · 15 minute read

FaZe Clan is a renowned esports and entertainment organization that has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide. With its roots dating back to May 30, 2010, when it was founded as FaZe Sniping, this company has cemented its position as a dominant force in the gaming industry.

Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, FaZe Clan boasts an impressive roster of players from across the globe, competing in popular games like Call of Duty, Counter-Strike 2, Fortnite, Valorant, and many more. In addition to its strong presence in North America, FaZe Clan has expanded its reach to the Asian market, further solidifying its global appeal.

Recently, in October 2023, FaZe Clan’s parent company, FaZe Holdings, was acquired by GameSquare Holdings Inc., a strategic move that has opened up new avenues of growth and opportunity for this beloved brand.

As we delve into the remarkable journey of FaZe Clan, let’s uncover the fascinating history, ownership structure, and background of this influential company that has left an indelible mark on the esports landscape.

Key Takeaways:

The Origins of FaZe Clan

FaZe Clan has its roots in FaZe Sniping, a Call of Duty clan that was established by three players in 2010. The founders, Richard Bengtson (FaZe Banks), Thomas Oliveira (FaZe Temperrr), and Yousef Abdelfattah (FaZe Apex), set out to redefine the gaming landscape with their innovative approach to sniping and trickshotting in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

The meteoric rise of FaZe Sniping can be attributed, in part, to their captivating YouTube content. With their iconic trickshots and montages, FaZe Clan quickly became one of the first successful YouTube gaming channels. They pushed the boundaries of gaming content and introduced viewers to a new level of entertainment and creativity.

An essential part of their YouTube channel was the series “ILLCAMS”, showcasing FaZe Clan’s incredible gameplay and trickshotting skills. These videos captivated audiences and solidified FaZe Clan’s reputation as trailblazers in the world of gaming content.

As the popularity of FaZe Sniping grew, so did their ambition. They expanded their focus beyond just trickshotting and YouTube content, venturing into the realm of esports. FaZe Clan started competing in various gaming competitions, making a name for themselves in the professional gaming scene.

In 2014, FaZe Clan took another significant step in their journey by establishing a shared home for their members. This move not only created a strong sense of camaraderie and cohesiveness among the players but also fostered an environment that encouraged collaboration, growth, and the pursuit of excellence.

Overall, the origins of FaZe Clan can be traced back to the humble beginnings of FaZe Sniping, a Call of Duty clan that revolutionized gaming content on YouTube. From their trickshotting expertise to their expansion into esports competitions and the establishment of a shared home, FaZe Clan has left an indelible mark on the gaming industry.

Growth and Expansion of FaZe Clan

FaZe Clan has experienced tremendous growth and expansion over the years, utilizing diverse strategies to establish its presence in the esports and entertainment industry.

In 2015, FaZe Clan received a significant investment from Hubrick, a prominent social media platform. This investment enabled FaZe Clan to further expand its operations and reach a wider audience.

In 2016, FaZe Clan made a strategic move by acquiring G2 Esports, a prominent European esports team. This acquisition not only bolstered FaZe Clan’s competitive roster but also enabled them to participate in major esports tournaments on the global stage.

Recognizing the evolving interests of their fanbase, FaZe Clan diversified its content by incorporating lifestyle content alongside gaming content. This approach allowed FaZe Clan to cater to a broader audience and cement its position as a leading entertainment brand.

Securing series A funding was a crucial milestone for FaZe Clan. The funding provided the organization with the necessary resources to further invest in its infrastructure, talent development, and expansion plans.

Moreover, FaZe Clan attracted investments from celebrities and notable figures in the music and entertainment industry. These strategic partnerships not only enhanced FaZe Clan’s credibility and influence but also opened new opportunities for collaborations and cross-promotions.

Expanding its reach beyond gaming and esports, FaZe Clan ventured into film production. Notable among their productions is the film Crimson, which was released in 2020. This foray into film demonstrated FaZe Clan’s commitment to exploring new avenues for creative expression and connecting with their audience on a deeper level.

Key Highlights:

FaZe Clan Expansion

FaZe Clan’s Impact on Youth Culture

FaZe Clan, being one of the most popular esports organizations worldwide, has undoubtedly left a lasting impact on youth culture. With their influence reaching far beyond the gaming and esports sphere, they have successfully integrated sports and gaming, capturing the attention of a diverse fanbase.

By bridging the gap between traditional sports and gaming, FaZe Clan has created a unique cultural phenomenon. They have become a symbol of the growing synergy between sports and gaming, inspiring young individuals to embrace their passion for esports and showcasing the competitive nature of gaming on a global scale.

Furthermore, FaZe Clan’s ability to collaborate with various brands and artists has further solidified their cultural influence. Their partnerships and collaborations have allowed them to expand their reach and engage with different industries, cementing their status as not just an esports organization, but also a cultural emblem.

One notable recognition of FaZe Clan’s cultural impact can be seen in their feature on the cover of Sports Illustrated, a prestigious magazine known for spotlighting influential figures in the sports world. This mainstream recognition not only highlighted FaZe Clan’s relevance in popular culture but also showcased the evolving landscape of sports and gaming integration.

To visualize FaZe Clan’s impact on youth culture, let’s take a look at the following table showcasing their achievements and collaborations:

YearAchievements and Collaborations
2018Collaboration with Champion for exclusive apparel line
2019Collaboration with the NFL for the Super Bowl LIII halftime show
2020Partnership with Manchester City FC for esports tournaments and content creation
2021Featured in the documentary series “Black Excellence” highlighting their cultural impact

This table showcases FaZe Clan’s ability to transcend the esports industry and collaborate with renowned brands and organizations. It exemplifies their significance in youth culture, as they continue to push boundaries and shape the intersection of sports, gaming, and entertainment.

FaZe Clan Influence

The Influence Beyond Gaming

In addition to their collaborations and achievements, FaZe Clan’s impact extends to various aspects of popular culture. They have created an engaging and vibrant community that extends far beyond their competitive gaming prowess. The FaZe Clan brand has become synonymous with youth culture, representing a lifestyle that resonates with their fans.

Through social media platforms, FaZe Clan has built a massive following of dedicated fans who not only appreciate their gaming skills but also connect with the personalities, values, and content that FaZe Clan represents. This connection has allowed them to influence trends, styles, and even the language used by their followers.

As a result, FaZe Clan has become a driving force in shaping the interests, preferences, and behaviors of youth culture. They have demonstrated the power of gaming as a cultural force and have solidified their position as one of the most influential esports organizations in the world.

Challenges and Changes in FaZe Clan

FaZe Clan, a prominent esports and entertainment organization, has experienced its fair share of challenges and changes on its journey to success. Despite achieving great heights, the company has encountered obstacles that demanded significant adjustments to its operations.

One of the major challenges faced by FaZe Clan was the impact of financial losses and a decline in stock value. These difficulties led to the dismissal of CEO Lee Trink, as the company sought to address the financial turmoil it faced.

To mitigate the impact of the financial setbacks, FaZe Clan was compelled to implement cost-cutting measures, including employee layoffs. These decisions were undoubtedly difficult, but they were necessary steps to regain financial stability and ensure the organization’s long-term viability.

However, amidst these challenges, FaZe Clan remains resilient and determined to overcome the obstacles it has encountered. The organization is actively working to regain stability by strategizing and implementing new measures to strengthen its financial position.

FaZe Clan understands that a unified and focused approach is crucial during trying times, and the entire team remains committed to emerging stronger from this period of uncertainty.

FaZe Clan struggles

As FaZe Clan works diligently to navigate these challenges and make the necessary changes, it demonstrates its unwavering dedication to its fans, partners, and the esports community as a whole.

Acquisition by GameSquare Holdings Inc.

In October 2023, FaZe Clan made headlines with its acquisition by GameSquare Holdings Inc., a prominent gaming venture firm. The acquisition was completed through an all-stock deal valued at approximately $17 million. This strategic move marked an important milestone in FaZe Clan’s journey, signaling a new chapter in its growth and development.

With the acquisition, FaZe Clan now operates as an independent division under the GameSquare Holdings umbrella. This partnership brings together the expertise and resources of both organizations, positioning FaZe Clan for further expansion and success in the esports and entertainment industry.

Under the new leadership structure, FaZe Clan’s original founders, Richard Bengtson (known as FaZe Banks), Thomas Oliveira (FaZe Temperrr), and Yousef Abdelfattah (FaZe Apex), have assumed key leadership positions within the organization. Bengtson is now serving as CEO, Oliveira as president, and Abdelfattah as COO.

This acquisition presents exciting opportunities for FaZe Clan to leverage the resources and industry knowledge of GameSquare Holdings Inc. to propel its growth and cement its position as one of the leading esports organizations in the world. With a shared vision for innovation and success, FaZe Clan and GameSquare Holdings are poised to shape the future of the gaming industry.

FaZe Clan acquisition

Key Points:

Current Divisions and Competitive Teams

FaZe Clan boasts a diverse range of divisions and competitive teams, competing in various esports games and championships. Their dedication to excellence has established them as a force to be reckoned with in the gaming industry.

Division and Team Breakdown

FaZe Clan’s divisions span across multiple popular esports games, including:

Each division is comprised of highly skilled and accomplished players who strive for victory in their respective games. With a focus on teamwork and strategy, FaZe Clan’s competitive teams have consistently earned top placements in renowned esports tournaments and championships.

Championships and Collaborations

FaZe Clan’s competitive teams have achieved remarkable success, capturing numerous championships throughout their esports journey. Their talent, commitment, and relentless drive have propelled them to the top of the gaming world.

In addition to their prowess in esports, FaZe Clan has collaborated with esteemed brands such as Champion, NFL, and Manchester City FC. These collaborations have resulted in unique opportunities for both the organization and their loyal fanbase, further solidifying FaZe Clan’s position as an industry leader.

Apparel Line

As a testament to their influence and popularity, FaZe Clan has established an exclusive apparel line. Combining style and gaming culture, their apparel line offers a range of fashionable and trendy merchandise for fans to express their support for the organization.

FaZe Clan apparel line

Call of DutyCall of Duty titlesMultiple championships
FortniteFortniteMultiple championships
PUBG MobilePUBG MobileMultiple championships
Rocket LeagueRocket LeagueMultiple championships

Consumer Perception and Recognition of FaZe Clan

FaZe Clan has established a strong reputation and gained global recognition within the esports industry. Their unparalleled success and innovative approach have solidified their position as one of the most influential esports organizations in the world.

One of the key factors contributing to FaZe Clan’s popularity is their exceptional marketing apparatus. They have mastered the art of connecting with their fanbase through various platforms, including social media, live events, and merchandise collaborations. By leveraging their strong brand presence, FaZe Clan has been able to captivate audiences and create a sense of community among gamers and enthusiasts.

Moreover, FaZe Clan’s influence extends far beyond the realm of gaming. They have made significant strides in the music and entertainment industries, collaborating with renowned artists and participating in major cultural events. Their involvement in the music scene has helped bridge the gap between gaming and mainstream entertainment, establishing new avenues for cultural integration.

FaZe Clan’s commitment to excellence and their drive to be at the forefront of the esports industry has propelled them to global recognition. They have shattered stereotypes associated with gamers, proving that gaming can be a legitimate career and a powerful force within popular culture.

By shaping consumer perception of gamers and elevating the status of esports, FaZe Clan has single-handedly transformed the way people view gaming. Their pioneering efforts have paved the way for the mainstream acceptance and recognition of esports as a legitimate and respected industry.

FaZe Clan reputation

FaZe Clan’s Influence on Music and Entertainment

One notable aspect of FaZe Clan’s cultural impact is their influence on the music and entertainment scenes. They have collaborated with top artists and participated in exciting projects that blur the lines between gaming and music.

Through collaborations with artists such as Lil Yachty, Offset, and Trippie Redd, FaZe Clan has created a unique blend of gaming and hip-hop culture. Music videos featuring FaZe Clan members alongside these artists have garnered millions of views, showcasing the group’s crossover appeal and expanding their fanbase beyond the gaming community.

Furthermore, FaZe Clan’s foray into the entertainment industry includes film production. In 2020, they released the film Crimson, a thrilling esports documentary that provides a behind-the-scenes look at the organization’s journey and the lives of its members.

Through their music collaborations and film production ventures, FaZe Clan continues to push boundaries and expand their influence in the entertainment world, cementing their status as a powerhouse in both gaming and popular culture.

Future Prospects of FaZe Clan

With the recent acquisition by GameSquare Holdings Inc., FaZe Clan is poised for an exciting future filled with growth and enhanced fan engagement. As an independent division under GameSquare Holdings, FaZe Clan is committed to revitalizing its connection with its dedicated fanbase and building upon its illustrious legacy as a leading esports and entertainment organization.

FaZe Clan’s partnership with GamesSquare Holdings opens up new avenues for expansion and innovation. By joining forces with a major gaming venture firm, FaZe Clan gains access to valuable resources and expertise, which will help to propel the organization to even greater heights within the gaming industry.

Central to FaZe Clan’s future plans is a renewed focus on fan engagement. By connecting with their core audience on a deeper level, FaZe Clan aims to foster a sense of community and elevate the overall fan experience. Through tournaments, events, and interactive content, FaZe Clan is committed to making every fan feel like an integral part of the organization’s journey.

Looking ahead, FaZe Clan is determined to solidify its position as a trailblazer in the gaming community and an influential force in shaping youth culture. With its ever-growing roster of talented players, strategic partnerships, and unwavering commitment to excellence, FaZe Clan is well-positioned to continue making a significant impact on the gaming industry for years to come.


Who owns FaZe Clan?

FaZe Clan is currently owned by GameSquare Holdings Inc. following its acquisition in October 2023.

What is the history of FaZe Clan?

FaZe Clan was founded on May 30, 2010, as FaZe Sniping, a Call of Duty clan. It gained recognition for trickshotting in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and grew its YouTube channel with popular content like ILLCAMS. Over time, it expanded into esports competitions and diversified its content with lifestyle videos. In October 2023, it was acquired by GameSquare Holdings Inc.

What is the ownership structure of FaZe Clan?

FaZe Clan is an independent division under GameSquare Holdings Inc. Following the acquisition, the original founders of FaZe Clan, Richard Bengtson (FaZe Banks), Thomas Oliveira (FaZe Temperrr), and Yousef Abdelfattah (FaZe Apex), have been appointed as CEO, president, and COO, respectively.

What impact has FaZe Clan had on youth culture?

FaZe Clan has become one of the most popular esports organizations in the world and has successfully bridged the gap between sports and gaming, attracting a diverse fanbase. It has collaborated with various brands and artists and has been recognized for its cultural significance.

What challenges has FaZe Clan faced?

FaZe Clan has faced financial losses and a decline in stock value, leading to the dismissal of CEO Lee Trink. The company implemented cost-cutting measures, including employee layoffs, to overcome these challenges.

Who is the parent company of FaZe Clan?

GameSquare Holdings Inc. is the parent company of FaZe Clan following its acquisition in October 2023.

What esports games does FaZe Clan compete in?

FaZe Clan has competitive teams in various esports games, including Call of Duty, Fortnite, PUBG Mobile, Rocket League, and more.

How is FaZe Clan recognized in the esports industry?

FaZe Clan has a strong reputation and global recognition within the esports industry. It is known for its marketing prowess and its influence extends beyond gaming to music, film, TV, merchandise, and live events.

What are the future prospects of FaZe Clan?

As an independent division under GameSquare Holdings, FaZe Clan aims to re-engage with its core fanbase and strengthen its position in the gaming industry. It is focused on growth and continuing to make an impact on youth culture.
