Kelly Hu Movies and TV Shows: On-Screen Talent

May 2024 · 11 minute read

Kelly Hu, born on February 13, 1968, in Honolulu, Hawaii, is a talented American actress known for her impressive filmography and notable roles in both movies and TV shows. From her early beginnings as a beauty queen to her success in the entertainment industry, Hu has showcased her on-screen talent in diverse projects across various genres.

kelly hu movies and tv shows

Kelly Hu has made a significant impact in both film and television, securing breakthrough roles and captivating audiences with her performances. Her talent extends beyond traditional on-screen acting, as she has also lent her voice to various video game characters. Throughout her career, Hu has collaborated with renowned actors, directors, and producers, earning industry recognition and accolades.

In her personal life, Hu remains focused on her career and has dedicated herself to philanthropy, supporting various causes and organizations. As she continues to take on exciting projects, fans can look forward to seeing her in upcoming movies and TV shows, where she will undoubtedly continue to impress with her on-screen talent and versatility.

Key Takeaways:

Kelly Hu’s Early Career and Beauty Pageant Success

Prior to embarking on her successful acting career, Kelly Hu made waves in the world of beauty pageants. Her stunning looks and poise led her to win the prestigious titles of Miss Teen USA and Miss Hawaii USA. These victories not only showcased her physical beauty but also gave her a platform to launch her career in the entertainment industry.

With her natural charisma and talent, Kelly Hu quickly transitioned from beauty pageants to the world of acting. Her early career was marked by appearances in popular television shows such as “Growing Pains” and “21 Jump Street”. These roles allowed her to showcase her acting skills and gain recognition as a rising star in Hollywood.

As her acting career gained momentum, Kelly Hu started to leave her mark in the world of film. She landed notable roles in movies like “Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan” and “The Doors”. These early film roles demonstrated her versatility as an actress and set the stage for her future success on the big screen.

Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan1989Eva Watanabe
The Doors1991Dorothy
Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man1991Suzie

It was during this early phase of her career that Kelly Hu proved her talent and dedication to the craft of acting. Her beauty pageant success opened doors for her in the entertainment industry, and her natural abilities allowed her to shine both on television and in film.

Kelly Hu’s Breakthrough Roles in Film

Kelly Hu’s talent and versatility as an actress allowed her to secure breakthrough roles in various films. She captivated audiences with her performances in movies such as “The Scorpion King,” “X2,” and “Cradle 2 the Grave.” Hu’s on-screen presence and ability to embody different characters showcased her range as an actress.

Notable Film Roles

The Scorpion King2002Cassandra
X22003Yuriko Oyama / Lady Deathstrike
Cradle 2 the Grave2003Sona

Through her standout performances, Kelly Hu solidified her presence in the film industry. Her portrayal of strong and complex characters showcased her acting prowess, leaving a lasting impression on both critics and audiences alike.

“Kelly Hu’s ability to bring depth and authenticity to her roles is truly remarkable. She has a natural talent for captivating viewers and immersing herself in the characters she portrays.” – Film Critic

In addition to her breakthrough roles, Kelly Hu’s filmography includes a wide range of genres and characters. From action-packed thrillers to heartfelt dramas, she continues to push boundaries and challenge herself as an actress. Hu’s dedication to her craft and commitment to delivering exceptional performances have earned her critical acclaim and recognition in the film industry.

kelly hu filmography

With an impressive list of film credits to her name, Kelly Hu has established herself as a talented and versatile actress in Hollywood. Her commitment to portraying diverse characters with depth and authenticity has solidified her status as a respected figure in the entertainment industry.

Kelly Hu’s Success on Television

Kelly Hu’s talent and versatility as an actress have not been limited to the big screen. She has also made a significant impact on television, showcasing her skills in a variety of roles. Hu’s notable television appearances have earned her a dedicated following and further solidified her status as a respected actress in the industry.

One of Hu’s most memorable television roles was on the popular series “Nash Bridges”, where she portrayed the character of Inspector Michelle Chan. Her performance in this show garnered critical acclaim and helped to expand her fan base. Hu’s ability to captivate audiences with her portrayal of strong and complex characters has made her a sought-after talent in the television industry.

In addition to “Nash Bridges”, Hu has also showcased her talent in shows like “Martial Law” and “Hawaii Five-0”. Her versatility as an actress is evident in the range of characters she has played, from tough and determined law enforcement officers to complex and enigmatic individuals. Hu’s dedication and commitment to her craft have made her a beloved figure on both the big and small screens.

Kelly Hu’s Notable Television Roles:

Nash BridgesInspector Michelle Chan
Martial LawChen Pei Pei
Hawaii Five-0Laura Hills

Kelly Hu’s Voice Acting Career and Video Game Roles

Kelly Hu’s talent extends beyond traditional on-screen acting. She has ventured into the world of voice acting, lending her distinctive voice to various video game characters. Hu’s ability to bring characters to life through her voice has allowed her to expand her repertoire and showcase her versatility in a different medium.

One notable video game role for Kelly Hu is Lady Shiva in “Batman: Arkham Origins”. She skillfully captures the essence of the character, delivering a powerful and captivating performance. Hu’s portrayal of Lady Shiva adds depth and intensity to the game, making it an unforgettable experience for players.

Another significant video game role for Hu is Visas Marr in “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II the Sith Lords”. Her performance as Visas Marr, a complex and enigmatic character, brings depth and emotion to the game. Hu’s voice acting elevates the storytelling and immerses players in the Star Wars universe.

“Voice acting allows me to explore new dimensions as an actress. It’s a different challenge and requires me to use my voice to convey emotions and create memorable characters. I enjoy the opportunity to bring these characters to life and be a part of the gaming world.” – Kelly Hu

Through her voice acting roles in video games, Kelly Hu continues to showcase her talent and versatility as an actress. Her ability to breathe life into characters through her voice adds depth and richness to the gaming experience, making her a valuable asset to the industry.

kelly hu voice acting

The table below showcases some of Kelly Hu’s notable video game roles:

Batman: Arkham OriginsLady Shiva
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II the Sith LordsVisas Marr

Kelly Hu’s Collaborations and Industry Recognition

Throughout her career, Kelly Hu has had the privilege of working with esteemed actors, directors, and producers, showcasing her immense talent and professionalism. Her collaborations have not only elevated her craft but have also contributed to her industry recognition and acclaim. Hu’s ability to seamlessly adapt to various roles and genres has made her a sought-after actress in both film and television.


Kelly Hu has had the opportunity to collaborate with renowned personalities in the entertainment industry, which has further cemented her status as a versatile actress. She has shared the screen with actors like Dwayne Johnson in “The Scorpion King” and Hugh Jackman in “X2”. These collaborations have allowed Hu to showcase her dynamic range and chemistry with her co-stars, making each project a truly memorable experience.

Industry Recognition and Accolades

Kelly Hu’s talent and dedication to her craft have not gone unnoticed. In 2012, she was honored with the Action Icon Award, recognizing her outstanding contributions to the action genre. This prestigious accolade highlights her ability to embody strong and complex characters, captivating audiences with her on-screen presence and skill.

2012Action Icon AwardOutstanding Achievement in Action

“Kelly Hu is a true talent, and her collaborations with filmmakers and actors have elevated every project she’s been a part of. Her ability to bring depth and authenticity to her characters is truly remarkable.” – Renowned director

It is evident that Kelly Hu’s collaborations and industry recognition are a testament to her skill and versatility as an actress. With each project, she continues to prove herself as a valuable asset to the entertainment industry, leaving a lasting impact on the projects she undertakes.

kelly hu collaborations

Kelly Hu’s Future Projects and Exciting Endeavors

With a career spanning decades, Kelly Hu continues to captivate audiences with her on-screen talent and versatility. As she looks to the future, Hu has a lineup of exciting projects and new roles that fans can eagerly anticipate.

One of Hu’s upcoming projects is the highly anticipated action film, “The Protectors.” In this thrilling movie, she will portray a skilled detective who teams up with a group of unlikely allies to uncover a hidden conspiracy. The film promises to showcase Hu’s ability to bring complex and compelling characters to life.

In addition to her film endeavors, Hu is set to star in a new TV series, “Shadows of the Past.” The show explores the dark secrets of a small town, and Hu’s character finds herself in the midst of a gripping mystery. Her role in this suspenseful drama will undoubtedly demonstrate her range as an actress.

To further expand her repertoire, Hu is also venturing into the world of comedy with the upcoming sitcom, “Laugh Out Loud.” This lighthearted series follows the misadventures of a group of friends navigating the ups and downs of life. Hu’s comedic timing and charm are sure to shine in this delightful comedy.

Exciting Endeavors on the Horizon

Aside from her on-screen projects, Kelly Hu is also venturing into producing, with a focus on bringing diverse stories to the forefront. She is passionate about championing underrepresented voices and aims to produce content that resonates with a wide range of audiences.

Furthermore, Hu has expressed her desire to explore more challenging and unconventional roles, pushing the boundaries of her craft. She remains dedicated to honing her skills and continuously evolving as an actress.

As Kelly Hu continues to embark on new projects and exciting endeavors, her future in the entertainment industry looks promising. Fans of this talented actress can anticipate a wide range of performances that will undoubtedly solidify her position as one of Hollywood’s most versatile and captivating stars.

Conclusion: Kelly Hu’s Legacy in the Entertainment Industry

Kelly Hu’s remarkable career and contributions to the entertainment industry have left a lasting impact and solidified her legacy as a talented and versatile actress. From her early success as a beauty queen to her impressive filmography and notable television roles, Hu has continuously impressed audiences with her on-screen talent and range.

Throughout her career, Hu has showcased her ability to embody diverse characters and captivate viewers with her performances. Whether it’s her breakthrough roles in films like “The Scorpion King” and “X2”, or her appearances in popular TV shows such as “Nash Bridges” and “Hawaii Five-0”, Hu’s presence on screen is truly memorable.

Not only has Hu excelled in traditional acting, but she has also showcased her versatility through voice acting in video games. Her portrayal of characters like Lady Shiva in “Batman: Arkham Origins” and Visas Marr in “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II the Sith Lords” has further cemented her status as a talented actress with a wide range of skills.

With her industry recognition and collaborations with renowned actors, directors, and producers, Kelly Hu has made significant contributions to the entertainment industry. Her impact and achievements serve as an inspiration to aspiring actors and actresses looking to make their mark in Hollywood.


What are some of Kelly Hu’s most notable film roles?

Kelly Hu has delivered impressive performances in movies such as “The Scorpion King,” “X2,” and “Cradle 2 the Grave.”

Which TV shows has Kelly Hu appeared in?

Kelly Hu has made appearances in popular TV shows like “Nash Bridges,” “Martial Law,” and “Hawaii Five-0.”

Has Kelly Hu done any voice acting?

Yes, Kelly Hu has lent her voice to various video game characters, including Lady Shiva in “Batman: Arkham Origins” and Visas Marr in “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II the Sith Lords.”

Has Kelly Hu received any industry recognition?

Yes, Kelly Hu has been recognized with an Action Icon Award in 2012 for her talent and dedication to her craft.

Is Kelly Hu involved in philanthropic endeavors?

Yes, Kelly Hu is known for using her platform to support various causes and organizations.

What can fans expect from Kelly Hu’s future projects?

Fans can look forward to seeing Kelly Hu in upcoming movies and TV shows, where she will continue to impress with her talent and versatility.

What is Kelly Hu’s legacy in the entertainment industry?

Kelly Hu’s remarkable career and contributions have solidified her legacy as a talented and versatile actress, inspiring aspiring actors and actresses.
