Dee Jackson & Breuntae Hicks Were Shot Dead in Homecoming Festivities in Jonesboro

May 2024 · 1 minute read

The deaths of outstanding vocalist Dee Jackson and Te Hicks, the 27-year-old son of JB-Hodge head coach Terrance Blankenship, have sent shockwaves through their family and the city of Jonesboro, Louisiana.

Dee Jackson’s and Te Hicks’s loved ones are still hurting from the terrible, unexpected loss they suffered when their loved ones were murdered.

The community has come together to support those closest to the victims after this terrible tragedy. Three individuals were shot Friday evening during homecoming festivities in Jonesboro, leaving the city in shock and sadness.

Two individuals were murdered and one was injured when an argument that started during the game continued in the Circle K parking lot.

Terrance Blankenship, the head coach of JB-Hodge, lost his son, Bre’Untae Hicks, 27.

The loss of Bre’Untae, a beloved son and a bright future member of the community, has cast a pall of sadness over the whole region. Another victim was the talented singer and songwriter Dee Jackson of Jonesboro, Louisiana. They may have been affected and motivated by her music.

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