Texas Lawyer Allegedly Torched Exs House Despite Ankle Monitor

May 2024 · 1 minute read

A Texas lawyer ordered to keep away from his ex-partner’s house allegedly set the home on fire on Saturday despite being tracked by an ankle monitor, a police report says. In December, a judge issued an order prohibiting Christian L. King, 31, from going near the property belonging to Breanna Jones in Baton Rouge. But King allegedly broke the order several times before soaking the house’s front door in fuel and setting it on fire early Saturday, all while his ankle monitor tracked his location. He was arrested minutes later and thankfully no one was injured in the blaze, with Jones having taken shelter elsewhere. “I have been pleading for help from law enforcement since the beginning of December,” Jones wrote in a Facebook post. “Now my house is destroyed, my cars are damaged, and the emotional damage is irreversible.”

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