The Meaning Behind The Song: Improduction by THC (FRA)

May 2024 · 3 minute read

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The Meaning Behind The Song: Improduction by THC (FRA)


TitleArtistWriter/ComposerAlbumRelease DateGenreProducer
ImproductionTHC (FRA)Hugo Royer & Théo CatalaaTétrahydrocannabinolMarch 20, 2020RapHugo Royer & Théo Catalaa

“Improduction” is the first song from the album “Tétrahydrocannabinol” by the French rap duo THC. It stands out as the only track where the two members, Tétra and Hydro, do not have separate verses. Instead, they engage in a back-and-forth exchange throughout the song. The title itself is a play on words, combining “improvisation” and “introduction,” as the lyrics were written spontaneously by the duo in just a few minutes.

The melody of the song samples “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin, adding a unique touch to the rap track.

Personal Experience

Listening to “Improduction” has always been a thrilling experience for me. The catchy beat combined with the rapid-fire verses of Tétra and Hydro never fail to get me hyped up. The dynamic exchange between the two artists showcases their chemistry and talent.

However, it is important to note that the lyrics of “Improduction” contain explicit references to drug use, specifically cannabis. While I do not endorse or promote drug use, I appreciate the artistry and skill displayed in the song.

The lyrics of “Improduction” touch upon various themes. The opening lines depict a scenario where someone is eagerly awaiting a shipment of cannabis, showcasing the underground nature of the drug trade. The duo boasts about their possession of the drug and their ability to indulge in various experiences. They also emphasize their success as artists, claiming to “fuck everything” and declaring themselves to be billionaires.

Additionally, the song references popular culture and historical figures. The line “J’arrive chez toi comme Adolph en Pologne” translates to “I arrive at your place like Adolf in Poland.” This provocative line compares the duo’s audacity to Adolf Hitler’s invasion of Poland, highlighting their confidence and determination.

The outro of the song briefly mentions the prohibition of cannabis due to its THC content, which is a molecule that classifies it as a drug.

Overall, “Improduction” is a high-energy rap track that showcases the skill and creativity of THC. The song’s lyrics may touch upon controversial themes, but it is important to appreciate the artistry and innovation presented by the duo.


“Improduction” by THC (FRA) is a compelling rap track that highlights the talent of the duo. While the lyrics touch upon controversial themes, it is crucial to separate the art from personal beliefs. The song’s unique wordplay and catchy melody make it a standout track on the album “Tétrahydrocannabinol.” Whether you appreciate the rap genre or not, this song offers an interesting glimpse into the creative prowess of THC.
